Sunday, March 4, 2018

 Isaias Afwerki; Bound by Fear

      Riddle me this. How do you favorably side with a alleged irrational national leader and human rights violator? I'll wait...The answer is you can not. Not under "equal rights for all" moral standards anyway. But to humanize a villain is to realize the complexities of social, economical and perhaps religious objectives from the world around them. This concept won't soften the inner anguish of anyone whose suffered under a dictatorship of any form. Let Isaias Afwerki tell it though, the past is always a daunting reflection of Eritrea's future.

      Eritrea is a small northeast African country beautified with gorgeous Italian infrastructures as part of the 19th centuries European "Conquest for Africa". Eritrea's president Isaias Afwerki (February 2 1946-) is a direct product of Eritrea's slow dis-unification from foreign powers (i.e. Italy, USSR, USA and the United Kingdom) and landlocked neighbors who include Ethiopia. Being native to Eritrea, Afwerki led two different political parties (the Eritrea Liberation Front which then divided into the Eritrea People's Liberation Front) in his younger days as a means of fighting against Ethiopian rule who by the way, not only felt inadequate without ownership to the Red Sea but didn't like the idea of Eritrea becoming it's own sovereign country. On one hand Isaias Afwerki is to be praised for his role in envisioning a modern country that would not tolerate being controlled under imperialism. As a well versed man of historical facts, Afwerki is aware of the pit falls for selling your country off to another whether voluntarily or otherwise. On the other hand, Afwerki's movie-like ascension to totalitarian rule has trapped his mind into radical forms of actions that prohibit his nation from becoming a top tier economic country.

      In 1972, Isaias Afwerki became leader of a newer leftist political group (E.P.L.F) that fought against his former (E.L.F). The two groups were suppose to be fighting against Ethiopian rule (backed by British influence) that sought to undermine Eritrea through concepts of "unification". The civil war from 1970-1974 left the Eritrean People's Liberation Front victorious. Soon after, sovereignty struggles once again started against Ethiopia. Many on and off wars Isaias Afwerki involved himself with against Ethiopia continue today in stalemate. I briefly ran over some of Eritrean history to prove Afwerki's legitimacy. As a positive, he has established health care for all in Eritrea (most modern tyrants tend to). However he is still said to be a terrible authoritarian. War planning hasn't proven to be his strong suit, losing numerous battles from perhaps declaring himself the sole military planner. His financial spending habits on credible ideas such as creating damns in Eritrea (rarely completed projects before leaving for another) spark questions of his judgement as head of the infrastructure department. There is a "national service" mandate that places nearly everyone able in the country to be apart of the military unit. Failure to comply resulted in unmeasured amounts of time in inhumane underground prisons. Torture tactics are alleged by the United Nations. Many Eritreans have taken refuge in other countries, resulting in even larger quantities of Eritrea's military units working in warehouses or mining up natural resources for little to no wage. Similar to the Soviet Union during the Cold War, difficulties arise when trying to obtain a exit Visa in Eritrea that allegedly resulted in murders. The countries T.V. and journalistic media is screened and pre-approved by Isaias Afwerki for proper censorship. Media from outside the country are discouraged from deep investigations through monitored country tours. Shady business dealings with Canada companies like Nevsun expose Afwerki's lack of compassion toward proper wages, money that he will receive regardless as a totalitarian if he were to just put funds into the pockets of the people first. These are just some of his alleged offenses.

     The main concern isn't Isaias's catastrophic control issues. Graduating at the top of his class and leading men into war for decades through propaganda would do that to any A-type obsessive personality. But currently Eritrea is viewed as a third world country because of Afwerki's refusal to change with the world around him. Internally he proves to be governed by fears of yester-years. Being a dictator of a small country would put fear in any leader because of the potential threat of invasion. Little trust in international powers for past imperialistic advances traps Afwerki and Eritrea in a sort of time lapse stuck between 1538 and 1993. Also, constant territorial fighting with Ethiopia through guerrilla or trench warfare darkens progressive spirits. Sure Eritrea currently seems like a multi-religious accepting country. Yet you would have to assume with all the radical Islamic uprising from groups such as Somalia's Al-Shabab to the south, Afwerki's reasons for irrational control is self preservation. Only Isaias Afwerki and a chosen  few believe he's the answer to the countries success. He WILL NOT go back to the days his people suffered under persecution. For centuries, bowing down to Portugal, the mighty Ottoman Turks, Italian persuasion, American and British false partnerships, various indigenous tribes seeking power and so forth because of Eritrea's invaluable geographic location and natural treasures. The best way for a freedom fighter turned psychopath to "liberate" his country is incredibly simple; oblivious self destruction through paranoia.

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