Friday, January 26, 2018

Bali Baby; The Bridge Toward The Otherworldly.


   There are many ways to bring up this young lady in the left corner of this page that would add shock value to all the individuals around the world who aren't in the know of her growing potential. I've said a mouthful, I know. I'm also willing to start out by being vague. For delicate minds I believe I must. The picture alone brings into play a multifaceted women who represents a change in the way music lovers appreciate music. Her core audience by in large would embrace her as a modern day rock star, a renaissance artist if you will. I would not dare classify her as a hiphop rapper; not only does that pigeon hole her melodic output, hiphop itself is at the dawn of sub dividing its contents to provide depth toward various types of stylistic influences currently produced. I will try carefully to explain her dedication to her craft. Her being Bali Baby.
    For intellectual minds, you may have experienced a slight brain cramp over the presentation of her stage name. Bali Baby is relatively new to the music scene, perhaps making music all of her life but gaining strong exposure during 2016. Her diverse resume includes rhythmic and witty lyrical punchlines, harmonic yet sassy cadence as well as graphically jolting illustrations in her music videos and or IG pictures that are made to rattle, but attract our jaded senses. There is no doubt that she is visually intense. The creativity engulfed in her visual pov is uncanny AND disturbing; you know, the ingredients of a creative genius. Bali Baby is a anomaly. Her rise to fame distorts the male dominated genre of hardcore music accepted and exalted by the masses. Bali's ego boosted sound patterns the bravado of a Madonna, the rawness of a Pink or Miley Cyrus, yet beautifully presented in today's trance-like harmonies. If your looking to feel a sense of beautified cohesiveness between you an artist and the world, listen to a John Lennon record. If your in a progressive mood to begin to connect and understand modern day energy, Bali is a front runner.

   American multimedia personality "Star" (birth name Troi Torain) gave Bali her 2018 mass media introduction by mentioning her on a widely talked about Youtube show called Everyday Struggle. Mentioned from the platform of the media conglomerate Complex, Bali was classified as one the bigger new generation artist that would have significant influence on music in the months and years to come. Bali makes it her business to prove women in music do not have to follow a traditional, sexist route to display edgy and imaginative lyrics. Within the same breath, she provokes the ideas of sexuality through sometimes pleasant and other times asylum-like phantasm.

   Almost naturally, Bali is consistently on social media, catering to her fans and opening a entire new world for casual onlookers. You can blame it on a generational skill to advertise ones self without structural training from say, college. I am more of the belief that Bali understands music is a competitive business/sport and the more your presence is felt toward the world around you, the higher your percentage to continue playing its capitalistic game... Combine her lyrical content with her willingness to "push the envelope", Bali's message seems pretty clear; Whatever you can do, I can do better.

*Note: if you still feel a vague sense of what Bali Baby represents, I purposefully trail blazed that agenda for this article. My suggestion; check out her music videos or visual antics, if you dare...

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