Saturday, May 12, 2018

Mirrored Reflections Of The Fallen: Angel of Barbiel Summoned

     How paralyzed am I to rationalize the lies between mine eyes. Oh the brilliance of duping oneself into falling victim toward our own surmise.
     How can I then become surprised by the avatar of a guy I've transpired. Such an escapist p.o.v to build upon; turning a blind eye away from inner greatness.
    The pure manifestation of a being whose spiraled towards given up, someone whose already accepted "fate" as if it were a devil's sick & twisted idea for helping all whom are beloved. 

    WTF... That, intertwined with the demonized suppression of self, I fight daily not to accept my after/next life's challenges that could all be erased if I just uplift my own inner king. I mean, If I were to believe in that weird new agey sort of thing. I mean, if I were a man who realized even spiritual delusion could positively elevate someone like me.

   Like seeing my reflection and my shadow all at once I hold onto an anxious cringe; a puzzling conundrum connects my soul to wise men that once told us to know and not do is a straight up sin. To understand and not progress into something better than is like grading a lost higher than a traditional win. To run the race of life in failure is like sprinting a marathon facing away from its end. Whats the fun in self sabotage and cut throat delusion if Im'a just, lose my head...

Surely, Empowerment awaits.

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